3DMS is now replaced by the 3DMS Evo

This article speak about the old 3DMS, now replaced by the 3DMS Evo. It will be updated soon to compare it to its competitors.

Click here to discover the new 3DMS Evo

Or read this article about the old 3DMS below:

Many of you asked us: “Why is the 3DMS better than Starlane or Alfano… laptimers?”
And the list is huge! That’s why we wrote this article.

3DMS versus its competitors

We compared here the 3DMS with 3 other GPS laptimers of the same category (based on their use and price).

Much more expensive and hard to use data acquisitions (as 2D) are not compared with the 3DMS because they aim only professional riders.

BrandRider's E-NovationAlfanoStarlaneSpeedAngle Inc.
Model3DMS GPSADSGPSStealth GPS-4SpeedAngle
Display picture3DMS display low resolutionalfano adsgpsStarlane Stealth GPS-4speedangle
Public price (observed price)299€ - Shipment fee included335€Unknown (335-385€)429€
Prices with options338€
Magnetic sensor
3DMS Display
Power supply cable
NC+49€ (384-434€)
Lean angle and acceleration
No option
3DMS is both a laptimer and a data acquisition, made in France, easy to use that allows to measure, analyze and share your riding performances.

Acquired data

3DMSADSGPSStealth GPS-4SpeedAngle
GPS laptimercheckcheckcheckcheck
Magnetic laptimer39€ optioncheckcheckcheck
Motorcycle lean anglecheckcheck49€ option
(average between rider and motorcycle)
check (weird value)
Throttle and brake forcecheckcheck49€ option
(GPS speed variation)
Thanks to its 6 axis sensor and powerful algorithm, 3DMS measured lean angle and throttle/brake force are accurate and reliable. Lean angle is the angle of the motorcycle itself and not the average between the motorcycle and the rider position.


3DMS GPSADSGPSStealth GPS-4SpeedAngle
Usable without embedded display as data acquisition system checkcheckcheckcheck
Real time data displayed on motorcylecheckcheckcheckcheck
3DMS Display allows to show laptimer, lean angle, throttle and brake force and speed on board.

A pack with the 3DMS and its display exists and costs 419€. Display alone costs 129€. See this page.
Power supplied by motorcycle's batterycheck100€ optioncheckcheck
The 3DMS is power supplied by the motorcycle's battery. There is no need to charge an external battery. The 3DMS power supply cable is connected in 2min to the motorcyle. Its current consumption is very low and allows you to keep it powered ON all day long without any risk to discharge your motorcycle battery.
It also exists a version of the 3DMS with a lithium battery for vehicules that doesn't have one.
Data analysis on PCcheckcheckcheckcheck
Data download through Bluetoothcheckcheckcheckcheck
3DMS datas are downloaded on PC and then analysed with our free 3DMS Manager software.
External GPS antennacheckcheckcheckcheck
The external GPS antenna provides an extreme accuracy to laptimer, speed and trajectories. It is 4 times biggest than internal antennas and could be placed as far as possible of motorcycle metallic parts (as tank) and rider which both cuts GPS signal.
Can be mounted under fairing (except under carbon) so protected
in case of crash.
All 3DMS parts (except display or command button) are mounted under the fairing, so protected in case of crash.
Data overlayed on video with supplied softwarecheckcheckcheck (very basic)check
Free 3DMS Manager software allow to view and share embedded videos with overlayed 3DMS data easily as shown on this tutorial..


3DMSADSGPSStealth GPS-4SpeedAngle
French design and manufacturingcheckcheckcheckcheck
French and English WebSitecheckcheckcheckcheck
French and English manualscheckcheckcheckcheck
French and English softwares.
(Spanish is available too for the 3DMS)
French and English after sales servicecheckcheckcheckcheck


3DMSADSGPSStealth GPS-4SpeedAngle
French tracks included (09/2018)
Total tracks included (09/2018)
102 (in April 2019)
166 (in April 2019)
Possibility to create your tracks with Google Earthcheckcheckcheckcheck
No limit to create new trackscheckcheckcheckcheck
Track Manager interface of 3DMS Manager software allows to personalize 3DMS tracks already supplied and to create new tracks from Google Earth or a 3DMS record of few laps. You can also send a request to contact@riders-enovation.com.

Now inspired by 3DMS ?

Buy it!

If, however, you still have any doubt that the 3DMS is the laptimer / data acquisition you need, do not hesitate to talk with us and our customers. You can do it via social networks (facebook, twitter or instagram), our contact page and on Rider’s E-Novation track days.

Sources : riders-enovation.com, alfano.com, starlane.com, speedangle.com

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